New US Product Relieves Eye Irritation from Air Pollution Reports Frequent China Traveler

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New US Product Relieves Eye Irritation from Air Pollution Reports Frequent China Traveler

"This Was the First China Trip Where I Didn't Return with Badly Irritated Eyes," Says Physician/Author

Since moving to the United States, Shanhong Lu, MD, PhD, has visited her parents in China every three months. Because of Beijing's extreme air pollution, Dr. Lu inevitably returned home with irritated eyes and feeling slightly ill. On the last trip, for the first time, she had no problem with her eyes and she did not get sick. The difference was that she carried with her the new U.S. product Nature's Tears®.


Dr. Lu made her comments about Nature's Tears® during an interview on the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water radio show of May 12, 2014. Her latest book, The Vibrant Life: Restoring the Roots of Health is scheduled for release in 2014. ,

A resident of Mount Shasta, California, Dr. Lu is Founder of Mount Shasta Integrative Medicine. The practice combines Western medicine with traditional Chinese healing arts that focus on wellness, prevention and balance rather than on symptoms. Dr. Lu spent her first 25 years in Beijing and her parents are both physicians in Beijing. Her mother, at age 86, is a practicing Cardiologist.

The globally syndicated Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water® radio show, with host Sharon Kleyne, is heard on VoiceAmerica and Apple iTunes. Kleyne is also Founder of Bio-Logic Aqua Research, a research, technology and product development center that focuses on water, atmosphere and health. Natures Tears®, a 100% fresh water mist that Dr. Lu took to China, is the Research Center's global signature product for dry eyes.

Although Nature's Tears® is a sponsor of the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water, Dr. Lu's endorsement was unsolicited and a complete surprise. In the show's seven year history, Kleyne has interviewed over 300 guests on a wide variety of fresh water related topics.

Nature's Tears® is descried by Kleyne as a "personal hand-held humidifying device that emits an ultra-fine sterile mist of 100% pure fresh water." The mist, Kleyne explained, creates an envelope of clean, humid, unpolluted air around the face and eyes.

Air pollution in Beijing is especially severe in winter, reported Dr. Lu. At those times, it is often difficult to see across the street and as a result, residents of Beijing, and China's many other large industrial cities, experience severe health consequences, with eyes especially vulnerable.

Dr. Lu reported applying the mist while in China up to 10 times a day, whenever her eyes began to feel irritated. She noted that relief was instantaneous and that application was extremely easy - simply point the nozzle towards the face and press the actuator for three seconds. Inhaling the mist, Dr. Lu added, enabled her to breathe a little easier.

"This was the first visit to China," said Dr. Lu, "where I did not have problems with my eyes, did not have allergies and did not get sick.

On the plane ride home, reported Dr. the personal hand held humidifying device again proved invaluable. "Normally," said Dr. Lu, "I feel drowsy and headachy on airplane trips. This time I did not."

Kleyne explained that recirculated airline air often has extremely low humidity and a high level of bacteria. Low humidity can cause dry eye and dehydration of the ocular tear film. Two common complaints associated with dry eye are drowsiness and headache.

Nature's Tears®, Kleyne explained, was designed to empower individuals to take proactive measures to personally defend against the health effects of air pollution on the eyes. The hand held canister can be carried in purse or pocket, contains no allergens, preservatives or additives, has a four year shelf-life and is 100% safe for eyes and skin mo matter how often it is applied. .

Nature's Tears® will soon be widely available in Chins, Kleyne reports. The product recently cleared all import requirements and a licensee in China is preparing to market and distribute the product nationwide. Kleyne notes that Nature's Tears® will be listed as a "humidifier" and has the endorsement of numerous Ophthalmologists in China.

To discover more about Dr. Lu and Mount Shasta Integrative Medicine, go to

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