Maximizing the Health Benefit of Your Daily Drinking Water Consumption

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Maximizing the Health Benefit of Your Daily Drinking Water Consumption

Water Educator Sharon Kleyne Reports on Obtaining the Greatest Health Benefit from Drinking Water

Everyone knows that drinking an adequate amount of water each day is important to health. But not everyone is aware that how you drink your daily water substantially effect the benefit obtained. Water Educator Sharon Kleyne, in a recent interview, reported on a series of "tips" to make sure your daily drinking water consumption is fully absorbed and utilized.

Sharon Kleyne is a nutrition and health educator, radio commentator and host of the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water radio show, on VoiceAmerica, Apple iTunes and Green Talk Network. She is Founder of Bio-Logic Aqua Research, water and hydrotherapy research.

Kleyne's suggestions:

While most doctors recommend eight glasses, or 64 ounces a day, Kleyne regards this as the absolute minimum. While everyone's daily water needs differ, she suggests ten glasses or 80 ounces a day.

There are differing medical opinions on whether liquids containing water can be counted towards the daily requirement. Sharon Kleyne has concluded that 100% of your daily water consumption should be in the form of pure water. "Remember," says Kleyne, "your body is 70% water and every one of your body's 50 trillion cells requires water to survive."

Other liquids containing water, Kleyne explains, are also offer a health benefit even though they do not count towards meeting your daily water requirement. As a rule, the heavier the liquid, the less the health benefit there is in the water content. For example, as a water source, although not necessarily as a food, apple juice is far superior to tomato juice, even though tomato juice is more nutritious. By the same reasoning, pure water is better to drink than consumption of vitamin fortified water.

Coffee, alcohol and carbonated beverages should be consumed in moderation or avoided because they are dehydrating and cause the body to lose water.

Water is most likely to be retained when consumed at room temperature or slightly warmer. Ice water is likely to be quickly passed through you.

At least 32 ounces of your daily water should be consumed all at once. Kleyne recommends two glasses of water or 16 ounces, when you first get up and another two glasses in the afternoon.

Kleyne recommends pouring the water into a glass before drinking. This increases oxygen content so the water tastes better and is better for you.

If you are dehydrated for any reason, such as illness, strenuous exercise or sun exposure, according to Kleyne, water consumption should be increased accordingly.

And don't forget that a proper diet is not only vital to health but also to the body's ability to absorb and retain water. Don't forget also that the surface of your body and eyes also need to drink, obtaining water from the humidity in the air.

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