Best Relief for Eye Strain and Tired Eyes

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Best Relief for Eye Strain and Tired Eyes

Nature's Tears® EyeMist®

Eye strain is a common complaint also called "tired eyes" or "eye fatigue." The scientific name is asthenopia. The condition can have numerous causes and the best relief is often determined by the exact cause.


Eye strain complaints:

  • Drowsiness
  • Pain around the eyes
  • Headache
  • Sore neck
  • Blurred vision
  • Tightening/overworking of the minute ciliary muscles inside the eye
  • Inflammation caused by tear film moisture evaporation and dry eye

Examples of eye strain triggers:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Reading
  • Computer use
  • Tedious activities involving the eyes
  • Driving
  • Incorrect eyeglass prescription or contact lenses intolerance.
  • Irritants such as air pollution, smoke, dust and low humidity/dry air.

Best eye strain relief:

  • Look around the room or out the window every hour or so (for computer users for best relief of ciliary muscle fatigue).
  • Don't forget to blink (staring at a computer can drop your reflexive blink rate from 20 times a minute to five times a minute. This exposes the eye to increased tear film evaporation causing dry eye and inflammation).
  • Room lighting is best when dimmer than the TV screen, with no glare.
  • Wear sunglasses for best eye relief while driving in bright light, when sun is in your eyes. or when it's hazy out.
  • Apply Nature's Tears® EyeMist® as often as desired to soothe and humidify timed eyes and increase tear film water content.
  • Get some sleep - or at least rest your eyes.
  • Have your eyes checked regularly. Once a year is best.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water per day.
©2013 Bio-Logic Aqua Research. All rights reserved.

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