Sharon Kleyne - Water Entrepreneur Announces First Ever Personal Dry Eye Humidifier

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Water Entrepreneur Announces First Ever Personal Dry Eye Humidifier

New Eye Mist Supplements Tear Film Moisture with 100% Fresh Water, Says Inventor Sharon Kleyne

Sharon Kleyne and Bio-Logic Aqua Research recently announced the launch of a new product to supplement natural tear film water due to dry eye disease and dehydrating environmental conditions. The product, Nature's Tears® EyeMist®, according to Kleyne, is the "first ever personal, hand-held humidifying device that releases a 100% fresh water mist to the air around the eyes, which the eyes then absorb."

Kleyne, who describes herself as, "educator, inventor, radio commentator and water advocate," is Founder of Bio-Logic Aqua Research, in Grants Pass, Oregon. Kleyne also hosts the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water radio show on World Talk Radio, Voice America, Apple iTunes and Green Talk Network.

"The surface of the eye is 98% water," Kleyne explains. "When eyes feel dry, itchy, burning, scratching, tired or uncomfortable, or if you experience frequent eye allergies, or if you spend time in places or activities that tend to cause eye discomfort, it usually means that the tear film has lost some of its surface water to evaporation. Other tear film components, Mrs. Kleyne has discovered, such as salt, lipids, antibodies and beneficial proteins, are usually unaffected.."

Kleyne notes that 80% of eye doctor visits in the United States now involve dry eye symptoms and that the worldwide growth in dry eye disease is approaching a medical crisis. While the rate is unacceptably high in the United States, it is much higher elsewhere.

A United States patent was recently awarded to Mrs. Kleyne on the "application of a 100% fresh water mist for dry eye symptoms." This is the first ever US patent on the use of pure water as a non-drug medical therapy (the patent is on the applicator). Several countries have awarded similar patents to Mrs. Kleyne and more are pending.

Sharon Kleyne is an outspoken advocate of proactive prevention through education. To Kleyne, educating people about proper eye care and the need for supplemental eye moisture in a era of increasing drought, solar radiation, air pollution and dehydrating indoor conditions, is just as important as selling the product.

Nature's Tears® EyeMist® is available online at, in selected drugstores nationwide and in many ophthalmologist and optometrist offices. The product has been licensed in Canada and parts of the United States and will soon be available worldwide.

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